Gaia Wilmer & Jaques Morelenbaum: Trem Das Cores

The team of saxist/arranger Gaia Wilmer and cello/arrangerJaques Morelnbaum bring fresh harmonies and ideas to the sound of Brazilian jazz with this enchanting release. Backing the velvety voice of Monica Salmaso are the flutes of Maiara Moraes/Aline Goncalves-Eduardo Neves, Gustavo D’AMico/ss, Rui Alvim/cl , the folksy accordion of Vitor Goncalves and a rhythm team of Pedro Franco/g, Pablo Arruda/b and Diego Zangado/dr.

What results are ethereal voices blended with bohemian tones and dreamy woodwinds on pieces such as “Trem Das Cores” and the soft cirrus clouds of “Um Da”. Moreenbaum’s cellow years alongside the flutes on the graceful “Quiexa” and saunters through the rich textures of “Trilhos Urbanos” wiel some angular themes get dramatic as the percussion canters along “Danto Do Povo De Um Lugar” and the   earth toned “A Terceira Margem Do Rio”. The arrangements sparkle with subtle joys, creating a lovely landscape of colors. Mellow earth tones.

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