Forq: Big Party

Like the Band Snarky Puppy from the same label, Forq is a kind of co-op, with band members mixing and matching, hopping on and off of the bus that journeys around town. The key members, Henry Hey/key-voc, Chris McQueen/g, Jason Thomas/dr and Kevin Scott/b and joined in her and there with James Genus-Chris Morrissey-Eli Menezes/b, Ryan Scott-Jordan Peters/g, Josh Dion/dr and Lucy Woodward/voc for various cameo supplementations.

The result is a festive and funky mix of ideas that feature synthy soundscapes over some  hip lines, like the hip bass line lead on “Into Bright’ or the nice guitar lead by McQueen on the R&B ish “Bomp”. Thomas lays down some nice pulses for Scott on “Big 3” , while Genus struts a bass lick around Thomas’ sticks for the stomping “Dirt Cake”. The grooves sizzle around Menezes’ bass on the percolating “Echo” with the band sounding a bit like a soundtrack for an ATARI game alongside Lucy Woodward on the playful “Va!”. Upbeat beats.

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