Richard Wilkins: Empty Seats

Teamed u with Jimi Bott/dr, Paul Brainard/g-tp, Brian Harris-Ed Neuman-Piper Bott/key and LaRhonda Steele/voc, Richard Wilkins plays bass and tenor while singing the blues in tribute to his rocking idols. Opening up with some bagpipes to start things off, Wilkins brings his voice to some boogie-ing beats on “ Daylight Train” and heavy hitting “Coming For A Landing”. Brainard chines his strings to “Pamela” and has the band sound like Foghat on “ Montery, with some nice folk moods contrasting well on “Minstrel B oy/Son For Ireland”. Most of the tunes are rollicking originals, while even the traditional “Will Ye No Come Back Again” gets the juke joint jumping. Pub grub.

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