Music Soup: Upbeat Mood

Comfort food grooves are served by the organ trio collection of Nestor Dimopoulos/g, Evgenia Karlafti/org and Vagelis Kotzabasis on the  hopping set of mostly originals. Hip pulses are in abundance with Dimopoulos’ guitar gliding like vintage Grant Green on hummers like “Korean Apartment” and the gently swinging “A Day In The  Park”. Kotzabasis supplies a funky back beat and Karlafti is accompanied here on Fun Island” and the snappy “Around The World” by pianist Kym Purling, while he pulls out all the stomps as he gets into a churchy mood on “Freeland”. Henry’ Gergen’s trumpet adds to the boogaloo mood of “Appointment In Athens”, with the overall mood reminiscent of vintage ideas with Grant Green and Larry Young. A hip hugger!

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