Koppel-Blade-Koppel: Time Again

The threesome of Benjamin Koppel/as, Brian Blade/dr and Anders Koppel/org team  up for a wide ranging collection of ideas even including some rap on this recent release. Of the latter idea, Al Agami gets down and urban on the earthy “Time Again” while the trio swings easy on “Puerto Rican Rumble”.  Most of the songs are in the 5-7 minute range, except for the wild 13 minute ride of “Bazaar Revisited” that has Koppel’s alto on a white knuckler. Thick organ grinding gets dreamy on “If You Forget Me” and gets churchy on “Fall From Grace” and there’s some soulful sax on “Should H ave Put A Ring On It”, with Blade directing traffic with his sticks like a police cop in Times Square.



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