John Christensen: Soft Rock

Bassist John Christensen mixes jazz with Cumberland Gap moods on this album with Tony Barba/ts, Matt Gold/g-org-key, Joshua Catania/p-key and Neil Hemphill/dr. The team paints a wide variety of pictures, with Gold’s guitars going rural on “Happy Jacks” and portraying a Nashville Skyline for the earthy “Pulsar”. Back porch folk moods are formed by the leader and Gold’s acoustic guitar on “Raised Box” while Christen drives the team hard as the cruise through “Impossibly Happy”. Barba is bel canto over the funky bass line of “The Loudest W hisper” and yearns with Catania on a pretty “Minute Majesty” There’s even an indie feel as Gold and Christensen reflect on the impressionistic “I Am Free”, with the team cantering on the easy gallop of “A Tall Glass of Bob”. A cruise along the I 40.

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