Jan Lundgren & Yamandu Costa: Inner Spirits

Warm and pretty conversations take place between pianist Jan Lundgren and guitarist Yamandu Costa are on this recent release on ACT Records. The 15 songs all range between 2-5 minutes, so there are no long excursions or indulgences; everything focuses on lyricism on this collection of originals and covers. Antonio Jobim’s “Garoto” is a flavorful joy, and Luiz Bonfa’s “Uma Prece” glides with melody. There’s plenty of relaxed moods as on Lundren’s  “Hanna” and some festivities on ”Habanera”, with Costa’s “A Legrand” pleasantly cantering along. The two have a comradery the is felt both when the delivery dialogues together, or when one quietly steps into the background to let the other take the spotlight.  Rich reflections.


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