THE BASS IS IN CHARGE…Christopher  Parnis: Everything You Could Be, Jake Noble: Letting Go Of A Dream

Nothing like having the deep bass as leader to keep things swinging together…

Bassist Christopher Parnis brings together Christian Antonacci/tp-fh, Matt Greenwood/eg, Brian Dickinson/p and Aaron Blewett/dr for a collection of modern sounding originals. His presence is felt throughout, and swings well teamed with Greenwood on “A False Start”. Antonacci’s horn  is gorgeous on “Measured Response” and elegant over Blewett’s brushes on “The Cradle”, with Greenwood getting a folksy spotlight on “Guitar Intro” and building up with the leader on “Everything You Could Ask”. Pastoral pleasures.

Jake Noble plays bass on this recent album of his well crafted tunes with Autumn Dominguez/as, Seth Collins/p, Tanner Guss/dr and cameo guest Mike Clement/g. Noble introduces most of the songs, setting the relaxed pace for “The Push Factor” and the wondrously impressionistic “Farewell to the Kid From Spring” featuring the lyrical work of Collins’ ivories. Dominguez’s alto is bright on the buildup of “What Could Have Been” and veers around through the snappy changes of direction of “Alice’s Point Of View”, being most warm in sound on the dramatic “Theme For a New Age” .  Water colors of sound.

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