Asha Parkinson: Posession

Chambered ideas are formed by saxist and composer Asha Parkinson, leading a team of strings and reeds on this rich musical tapestry. Gareth Lockrane’s flutes bring an ethereal glow to the verdant “Distant Devotion” and “Mirror Image” while “Urban Fantasy” has the leader displaying lyrical voice around the autumnal support. The strings get stirred with the reeds on “Maelstorm” and the the rhythm team of Alex Wilson/p, Hamish Nockles-Moore/b and Alex Taylor/dr create intricate communication and pulses on ”The Juggler” with some exotic ideas ruminating in the undercurrent “Avvon D’Bishmalya”. Ideas ranging from Southern Asia to even an inclusion of The Lord’s Prayer in original Aramaic by Rebecka Edlund make for a collection of sounds that cover both longitude and latitude.

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