The Early Planets; The Waits/inBetween Music 

The trio The Early Planets consists of Mike Wolter/g, Cody McKinney/b and Cory Healey/dr, specializing in casual and cozy conversations. The tunes here are al original, although there is a hint of Monkish fun as on the lyrical “DONKEY” and bouncy “Sour Yellow Flower” featuring McKinney holding things down. Heyley’s cymbals guide through the rippled “Tone Down Your Vibe” with some nice rumbling on the bopping “False Teethe”, while the burshes assuage the plaintive “The Long Part of Winter”. Wolter gets into a rockish mood with his wah wah pedal on “The Churn” while tapping into mellow moments for “Lou Bird’. His intro for “Residue Magic” is cirrus soft, with a nice groove dug by the three on “Mundane In The Mystery”. Three’s not a crowd.

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