Stephanie Lamprea/Tom W. Green: Don’t Add To The Heartache

Is it a message, or is it music?

Using her voice on all tracks in various ways, Stephanie Lamprea mixes spoken texts, ethereal vocals, electronics and various instruments from guests to create a paean to keeping our planet alive, as if man were so audacious as to think he could destroy it.

Nevertheless, with sounds from a live performance at the 2023 Hidden Door Festival, Lamprea and Tom W. Green/el, Richard Craig/fl, Richard Scholfield/sax, Katherine Wren/voc, Sonia Killman/elec, Penny Chivas/dance and Oana Stanciu/vid create dreamy and eerie textures, with some haunting sounds on “We Come Into The World” or some flute mixed with mouthpiece sucking on “Imprints of our Botanizig”. Tapes and noodles mix with text on “This Is Where We Learned Love” and soprano sax and effects surround “Udaviti Se”. Wholistic fragments.

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