Olivia Foschi: A Window Within

Vocalist Olivia Foschi delivers originals with a dash of bohemia, not unlike other understated masters like Stacey Kent on this lyrical album with Mauricio Zottarelli/dr, Matt King/p-key-mel, Marco Panascia/b and Vinicius/g. Her flexibility is completely unforced as she veers around Panascia on “Caught Me By Surprise” and bounces around the tropical clip clop of “East Wind”. Her soft spoken understatements draw you in with Gomes’ guitar on the romantic ”Subtle Farewell” and she’s conversant with King on “Nona”. She flexes her muscles on the fusion “Live With It” and creates textured harmonies on an artsy “Cun La Prema Stela” Alluring whispers.



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