Jake Baldwin, Zacc Harris, Peter Henning: Boundaries

The debut collective from trumpeter Jake Baldwin, guitarist Zacc Harris and drummer Pete Hennig is a textured collection of originals that mix ideas of ambience with intuitive modal jazz. Baldwin has a sweet tone to his horn, blowing out soft cirrus clouds on pieces like the fluffy “Legs” and clear as Waterford Crystal on the tender “Gravity”. Guitarist Harris is the dominant mood creator here, creating hovering tones and effects guided by Hennig’s cymbals on “You Got The Best Of Me”, getting dark on the King Crimsonish title tune, or creating emanations for Baldwin’s hovering horn on “Fjords”. Hennig’s mallets create a foreboding march for the bluesy and ominous “Tumbleweeds” and adds to the friskiness on the dark and aggressive “Clowns “. The overall effect is a sonic tapestry of an album, hanging well on a wall to create a more reflective atmosphere in  the room.


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