Norah Jones: Visions

For her latest release, Norah Jones sound particularly extroverted on a bold sounding album produced by Leon Michels, with an in your face dynamic teamed with Dave Guy/tp, Jesse Purphy/b and Brian Blade-Homer Steinwess/dr.

Jones is quite strong and emotive throughout as on “All This Time” and does some whimsical things like adding “la las” to the funny “Paradise”. There are some haunting effects like an old silent movie background on “Swept Up In The Night” and some vaudeville staging with an upright piano for “That’s Life”. The guitars thud out a riff on “ Queen of the Sea” and there’s a 60s feel  to “Staring At The Wall”, with some cozy intimacy on “Alone With My Thoughts” and the rural road of “Visions”. The change of moods gives the album a feel of a photo album. Which page will you stare at the most?

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