Last Word Quintet: Falling To Earth

Poems set to jazz background are delivered by vocalists Al Day/g, Marc Kelly Smith, Bob Long/p and Doug Lofstrom/b-key along with support from Brian Gephart/sax and Sarah Allen/dr. The vocal deliveries range from a soulful and funky rasp as on “Iran Tango” to a folksy minstrel’d “ Rage of Angel”. Most clever is a juxtaposition of two poems, one by Carl Sandburg, on the free form “Circle of Doors”, while the Tom Waits-ish “Domenguez is riveting in its visceral presentation. The voices are upbeat on “Daylight” and vulnerable with Long’s piano on “Stove In The Back”, with Gephart adding reed textures  to the flowing “ Unmasked”. . Beyond bohemia to the modern art gallery of sounds.

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