David Friesen: This Light Has No Darkness Vol 1

In an era when most “statement albums” are focusing on the darkness, bassist David Friesen uses his Hemage Bass and faith to shine a b right and encouraging light. He teams up with pianist Paul Lees, percussionists Charlie Doggett and Rob More, and uses the arrangements, orchestrations and chamber ensemble programming of Kyle Gordon to create a richly textured and organic collection of sweeping ideas and moods.

You don’t have to be a 5 Point Calvinist to enjoy Friesen’s dreamy work on the gliding “Basic Strategy’ or his nimble work with Lees on the embracing “Tides Turning” while the two create cirrus clouds on the dreamy “Return To The Father”.  Thanks to Gordon, there is a wonderful processional feeling on “A Smile Turns To Laughter” and impressions a  la Gil Evans on the majesterial “Perseverance” , with elegant renaissance ideas for “A Beautiful Moment”. A reformation of tones and melodies!


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