Benjamin Koppel: White Buses-Passage To Freedom

I’m usually not a big fan of “message” albums, as they tend towards sounding whiney or self-important. Not so this one led by saxist Benjamin Koppel; he brings together a series of testimonials translated by Thana Alexa about various eyewitness accounts of the Nazi concentration camps. The testimonials are interspersed with music supplied by Antonio Sanchez/dr, Uri Caine/p, Scott Colley/b, Herick Dam Thomsen/cel and Soren Moller/dr, with the songs ranging from 2-4 minutes. Much of it has an Eastern European feel with some Old World sax on”The White Bus” , somber cello for “The GoldenCaraige” and thoughtful piano for “Die Danen Raus” an “The Planes In The Skey”. Obviously, much of the tones are dark and grey, with Colley lyrical and melancholic for “Postdam”, but it never overplays its hand. This is a well crafted and t h oughtul idea, making music part of the message.

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