Margot Sergent: Douce France/Sweet France

Singing and accompanying herself on harp, Margo Sergent creates bohemian moods with Patrick Brennan/g, Alec Safy/b, Linus Wyrsch/cl and guests Ben Silashi/dr or Vitor Goncalves/acc a mix of Left Bank originals and interpretations. She suavely sambas here and there as with Goncalves on the jaunty “I Wish You Love” and Wyrsch’s clear clarinet during “La Rua Madureira”. There’s  chanson feel to the lovely “Dans Tes Bras Mon Ange” and she’s cozy with Brennan on the indie feel of “Little Miracle”. The team gets into a gypsy jazz feel for the bouncy  “Douce France” and her own “Silent Steps” is a stroll down Tin Pan Alley. Like most emotive singers, she’s best when dressed in vulnerability, with just her and her harp on the gorgeously blue “Saudade”. When’s she hitting So Cal?

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