Debbie Spring: Tocamos

Debbie Spring plays the five string viola, teaming up with Hal Roland/key, Rusty Heck/b, Ettienee Fuentes Jr/dr, David Schanzer/perc and a collectionof guests on this exciting album. Her tone is strong on the melodies, and she sure can carry out an energetic solo, riding the waves of Fuentes’ groove on the two takes of the title track, sung in both Spanish) and English versions by Eddy Balzola. TRhere’s a swaying bossa pulse with Phill Fests’s guitar on the sensuous “Bossa Minha” while she stomps out a feisty dance with harmonica-ist Howard Levy on”Tango Y Mas”.  There’s a warm tropical soulful feel on “Mockingbird” with a graceful lilt to “Summer”. When’s she hitting LA?

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