FORGOTTEN BRILLIANCE…The Kinks: The Journey-Part 2

While it seems these days everyone talks about the great music the Beatles created, people forget that one of the brilliant musical minds at the time belonged to Ray Davies, and his band, The Kinks. The core of Davies with his brother/guitarist Dave and drummer Mick Avery released some of the most important albums of the same time as the Fab Four, and even outlasting them by more than a decade. As this two disc set of outtakes, new material, live recordings  and B sides reveal, is that The Kinks created a songbook that rivals anything Lennon/MCartney or Jagger/Richards released.

Cut from their classic albums include “Alcohol”, “This Time Tomorrow” “A Well Respected” “Dedicated Follower of Fashion” and the prescient “20th Century Man” that prophesied as to the current state of affairs. A collection of concert material puts together themes from their seminal Arthur album as well as their nostalgic “Everybody’s A Star”, along with some   latterd day ideas like “Lincoln County” and “Big Sky”. The team was tighter than Kim Kardashian’s leggings, brother Dave mixing in some tasty guitar licks and Ray always insightful. If this is your intro to the Kink Kronicles, you’re going to be introduced to a level of thoughtful rockers.

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