ALL BY MYSELF…Matthew Shipp: The Intrinsic Nature Of Shipp, Tom Teasley: The Breath

Sounds of solos…

Pianist Matthew Shipp goes solo on this latest release, displaying his inspirations, influences and world view through  a collection of originals. You can detect dashes of Andrew Hil on the dark stretching fingers of “Crystal Structures” while traditional stride in the prismatic world of Thelonious Monk make for a joyful “Jazz Frequency”and fun”Jaz Emotions”. Shipp forms resonant echoes for “The Essence” whiel stripping the ivories down on “Essence Of Silence”. Portraits in ivory.

Playing a wide variety of things that go bump in the night, Tom Teasley creates melodies, moods and atmospheres on this recent “solo” album of him overdubbed a multitude of times. Cymbals, cajon, bongos, pandeiro and djembe are just a part of the “band” on the fluied “Hope Is Where We Live” while soft cadences are produced on the Rav Fast Drum during “Be Longing” and “Shadow of Courage”Subtle pulses from th e ATV aFrame Drum take part ina of Sunshine” and the Korg Minilogue rumbles through “Metric Meditation”. Soft rocks.

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