Vincent Lyn: Elysian Eclipse

Instead of simply releasing an album of sounds, pianist Vincent Lyn h as taken a wholistic approach in making his compositions part of a visual experience as well. His piano style is reminiscent of the impressionistic ways of David Benoit and George Winston, and he teams up with Sami Turunen/g, Hector Ruano/b, Glenn Welman/perc and Yoed Nir/cel-strings in a romantic mix and match fashion.

The themes such as “Exalt to Exosphere” and “Emerald Vibration” have a rich pastoral mood, with subtle percussion serving as a musical rice pilaf for the flavorful piano and guitar. There’s a rich Middle Eastern feel to the joyful “Ephemeral Oasis” with “Emanate Aurora” floating with cirrus clouds of strings.

Yes, you may note that all of the songs begin with the letter “E”, tying them all together. Contrarily, the accompanying videos to each song have their own lives, ranging from aircraft carriers to luxury hotels to to Muslim place of worship. Artsy mellow.

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