Mark Sanders: CollapseUncollapse-Time In Images

UK-based drummer Mark Sanders goes free form in a trio setting with Chris Mapp on bass and electronics and Andrew Woodhead playing keys and electronics. Of the five tunes, two are drum solos, with Sanders scratching the cymbals along with some rumbling on “Ghost Dance” and sounding like Nick Mason from Pink Floyd during the Ummagumma period for the eerie “Eclipsed”. As for the band pieces, there’s a lot of flailing drums and spacy electronics as if someone is playing with wires just a little too closely on “Gravelines” with more noodles than a Shanghai soup kitchen taking place on the buzzing and fuzzing “Bridged”. There is a bot of a rock beat to the syncopated “Time In Images” but it eventually ends up as a thick oozy goo. Be careful with that axe, Eugene!

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