Maddie Vogler: While We Have Time

This debut release by alto saxist Maddie Vogler displays an uncommon maturity for a variety of reasons. First, unlike most younger artists on record, she shares her space well with her team of Tito Carrillo/tp-fh, Matt Gold/g, Jake Shapiro/p, Sam Peters/b and Neil Hemphill/dr. Second, all of the tunes are her own, and they are quite impressive for the variety and cleverness of the ideas. Hemphill supplies a nifty click clack as the horns both converse together and solo on “Between Wakefulness and Sleep”. “Corridor” includes a warm intro by Shapiro before the horns pass the baton to Gold on the cadencing “Corridor” while Carrillo’s flugelhorn is featured on the lovely “Sunday” after Vogler hands the baton of a gloriously lovely intro.

Vogler gets dramatic on the soulful journey of “Industrielle”, is elegiac on the aria “Hymn For August  and her vibrato hovers on the bel canto “Ropa Vieja” with the horns shining brightly on the upbeat post bopper “The Need To Be”. The wisdom of youth.


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