Connor O’Neill: The Same Changes, Vol II

Guitarist Connor O’Neill teams up with a core unit of Alex Delcourt/b, Steen Perry/dr and guests Morgan Walbridge/vib, Mervin Toussaint/as, Jessica O’Neill/voc and Micah Graves/p for a collection of lyrical and impression’d originals. There’s a chamber feel with strings and vibes on the gentle “Disordinance” with some reflective tones during “Another Moment Reconciled” Toussaint’s alto sax is fluffy on the cascading “Gears” and Delcourt’s bass bows to Jessica O’neill’s voice on the folksy “Early Departure”. The leader has a classical feel to his touch as on the flowing “Jade”  with clever ideas on” Singularity”. Well strung ideas.

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