Denin Slage-Koch: It Comes In Waves

Guitarist Denin Slage-Koch sounds like he has imbibed from the Kenny Burrell waters on this classy swinging session with Shane Endsley/tp-fh, Ryan Keberle/tb-mel, Gavin Allen-Dunn/p-org, Seth Lewis/b, Bobby Wiens/dr and guest Jared Cathey/cl. In the format with horns, there is a feel of Herbie Hancock’s Speak Like A Child on the gentle “The Road Home” and “It Comes In Waves”, with Cathey’s somber clarinet floating on the post bopping “The Cost Of Apathy”. Slage-Koch romps  iwt hurgency on “Continue” and cries through the trudging “Signal Fires”, with a more loose feel to a tribute to Wayne Shorter on “The Philosopher”. The strings are  well tuned and toned, a real pleasure to listen to throughout. Midnight Blue.

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