Jeremy  Pelt: The Art of Intimacy, Vol 2: His Muse

While Jeremy  Pelt is best known as a powerful hard bop trumpeter, he is becoming known as one of the more mellifluously lyrical players with a series of “Intimate” albums. This one has hime with his team of Victor Gould/p, Buster Williams/b and Billy Hart/dr as well as a frequent string ensemble conducted by David O’Rourke for extra drapery. Of the latter, Pelt is simply glowing on”For Who I Love So  Much”, agonizing during “Don’t Love Me” and hopeful on “Two Differnet Strings”. In jazz combo form, Pelt glows with Williams on “Slow Hot Wind” and saunters on a suave “Blues In Sophistication”. He even sings like a poor man’s Johnny Hartman on an intimate teaming with guitarist Chico Pinheiro on “Two For The Road”. Pelt continues to surprise, and impress.

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