Dan Rosenboom: Polarity

Playing trumpet, flugelhorn and quartertone trumpet, Dan Rosenboom leads a team of Gavin Templeton/as-bs, John Escreet/p-key, Billy Mohler/b and Damion Reid/dr through a wide ranging collection of originals. The horns hover over the agitated pulse of the mournful “The Age Of Snakes” with the band stretching out over 19 minutes, with jagged intervals accentuating the positive. Rosenboom blows soulfully with Escreet on the graceful “On Summoning The Will” and is lyrical with Templeton’s alto during “Wlking Shadows”. The team stomps out “Minotaur” with Templeton growling on the baritone” and Mohler casts  long shadow on the moody “Tidal Mirror”. Night Gallery set to music.

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