SHEET MUSIC, RIGHT? Giacomo Merega & Camera Con Camera: Udnie, Ingrid Laubrock: The Last Quiet Place

Come to my recording! Charts optional…
Playing bass guitar and chanting, Giacomo Merega brings in the voice and synthesizer of Rema Hasum and guitarist Todd Neufeld for nine “ideas”. Merega brings three solo tracks, to open things up, including a very high pitched ‘Sonno Nelle Campane” and a blue waltz of “Due Notturni Secchi II”. From there , Hasumi’s edgy voice adds to the effects of “’Dard” , a lullaby of “Forest” and a dreamlike “Anthropometrie” while Neufeld is gentle on your mind on ”How We Like To Sing Along”. Was the tape just rolling along?
Ingrid Laubrock plays teonr and soprano saxes, along with Mazz Swift/vi, Tomeka Rid/cel, Brandon Seabrook/g, Michael Formanck/b and Tom Rainey/dr for six pieces in search of a theme. There’s a chamber feel to the dreamy and loose “Anticipation” featuring Laubrock’s meandering tenor sax, while the team gets herky-jerky on “Grammy Season”. Lots of fragments and disjointed ideas try to fit together in ”Delusions” while the strings get kaleidoscopic and the leader gurgles through the tenor on ”Afterglow”. Lots of staccato jabs on ”Chant KK” with ambient moods on “The Last  Quiet Dance”. Someone have some duct tape to tie it all together?

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