Tarmu Jazz Quartet: Tarmu Jazz Quartet

Vibist Eldad Tarmu leads a post bopping team of Adam Hutcheson/as, Sam Bevan/b and Cengiz Baysal/dr through a collection of sophisticated originals. Bevan’s electric bass is a plus here, as he keeps a rich foundation throughout some of the hairpin turns, giving a hip feel to the upbeat “Kinda Elegant” and digging in for a backbeat with Baysal on ”No Makeup” while taking a sneaky solo on “Mating Calls”. Trmu’s vibes are nimble throughout, bopping on”Self-inflinced Wounds” and dark along with Hutcheson’s acidic alto on “Café Sole”. The team goes through some tricky lines on “Beneath the Gloss and Shine” and sears tho rugh “El Hipnotizador”, with many of the shades throughout veering on a darker hue. Most dreamy is “A Tale of Dirt and Flowers” with both vibes and reed in a primary color mode, with rich conversations throughout.




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