Jake Baldwin: Misc. Items

Trumpeter Jake Baldwin sounds like one of those old timey horn players pre-swing, post-ragtime and right in the middle of the blues of 100 years ago, as he stomps out vintage era blues with Adam Harder Nussbaum/dr, Cody McKinney/eb and Toivo Hannigan/g. Most of the tunes have a trudging cadence as if Baldwin is playing in the chain gang, as on “To No One’s Surprise” and the blues of “Big Baby “. Hannigan plods through “Holds water” and the team meanders to “Dune”, before McKinney lets his bass get a bit funky on “ Doomesday Blues”. Baldwin gets declaratory on “Manipedi Pt 2” and the team actually moves up a few decades with horn and guitar bopping together on “Manipedi Pt. 1”. Where was this guy when Jelly Roll Morton was looking for a horn man?


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