Galan Trio: Kinesis

Interpreting compositions from contemporary composers, the trio of pianist Petros Bouras, violinist Babis Karasivvidis and cellist Marina Kolovou create a double cd collections worth of enticing chamber sounds that mix the inquisitiveness of jazz and the melodicism of classical. Rich moods and atmospheres include the eerie, tensile and long-shadowed “Ictus”, while the strings yearn on Eastern European feeling  “Cyanic Outbursts”. Bouras prances on the ivories for the leaping “Look of Sky”, with a richly agitated pulse coaxed out on “Hairpin Turn”. The trio gets stately , rural and panoramic on the three part “Ghost Town Sounds” with the strings lurking around as they pluck through “Piano Trio #1”. It’s refreshing to hear modern music that is clever instead of cacophonic.

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