VOICE AND GUITAR…Song Yi Jeon & Vinicius Gomes: Home, Kate Baker & Vic Juris: Return To Stone

Woman’s voice and a man’s strings…

Lovely pastoral moods are created by vocalist Song Yi Jeon and guitarist Vinicius Gomes on this intimate and ethereal album. The most intriguing part of the concept here is that, except for “A Timeless Place”, Jeon uses wordless vocals in each piece, making this one-off feel like a complete change of wardrobe. The paces and melodies have a rich variety, with Gomes bringing in flamenco strings for “Eleven Houses” and the long toned “Dancing Stars”. Jeon comes across with a flute-like tone on “Flow” and with a woody clarinet concept on the pure “Expecting Spring”. She does some nice hip unison lines on the folksy “Nilopolitano” and bops joyfully on “Milonga Gris”. Fragrant flowers of sound.

Soft toned vocalist Kate Baker joins with the cool strings of Vic Juris for a folksy and dream collection of interpretations. Baker shows her musical hand by interpreting a pair of Joni Mitchell tunes, a delicate “Both Sides Now” and patiently strummed “Black Crow”. The two are dreamy on “Are You Kind” and gentle on the Beach Boys classic “God Only Knows” with Juris bringing in some Iberian ideas on “Madalena” and bringing in tender mercies for “Blackberry Winter”. Songs by the open fire.



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