MODERN MODES FROM BASS LEADERS…Timothy Norton: Visions of Phaedrus, Noah Garabedian: Consider The Stars Beneath Us

Today’s sounds of jazz led from the man with the big strings…

Bassist Timothy Norton brings together a post modern team of Josh Evans/tp, Jerome Sabbagh/ts, Leandro Pellegrino/g, Randy Ingram/p and Kush Abdey/dr for a collection of mostly self-penned originals. The front line horns are a treat, melding gorgeous harmones on the relaxed “Couple of Plebs” and the warm “Rafe’s  Windmill”, creating a dark atmosphere for Ingram on the kinetic “It’s Five O’Clock Someher”. Norton sets the pase on the easy bopper “Saba Saba Bachu Bachu” and lays down a bluesy cadence for Pellegrino’s spotlight on the romantic “Ergo The Boogeyman”. Vintage sounds with a modern mode.

Noah Garabedian brings his bass to the scene for his team of Dayna Stephens/ts-ss, Carmen Staaf/p, Jimmy MacBride/dr and Samuel Adams/effects-prog on this collection of exotic originals. Stephens broods with the leader on “RR” while Staaf dances around Garabedian’s melodic pulse for “Petty Thieves. Adams brings special exotic affects around MacBride’s gallop and Garbedian’s cadence on “Salt Point” allowing Stephens’ soprano to ride the whitecaps. Piano, bass and drum ricochet around “Pendulum for NG” and the team creates a hovering mist on “Alice”. Watercolors of sound.


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