****RINGER OF THE WEEK****Randal Despommier: A Midsummer Odyssey (featuring Ben Monder)

I’ll admit it-I’m a sucker for jazz duet albums, as they are so rare, and they are the epitome of conversant swing. This one is especially delightful on a variety of fronts. First, you rarely get an alto sax/guitar summit, but here it is with Randal Despommier and guitarist Ben Monder. Second, the two take on the music of Swedish saxist Lars Gullen (1928-76), mostly known for his Mulligan-inspired baritone work, and an equally adept one with the pen. Lastly, Despommier and Monder emphasize tone and style, not chops, and it makes for a stupendous collection of gently swinging sonnets.

The two take turns opening and setting the pace. Monder is focused on the slow dance pulse set for the alto saxist on “Mazurka” and is fragrant on the floating “Dyningar”, giving a folk feel to “I Min Smala Sang”. Despommier gives a soft and sleek etude on “BBC Blues” and creates puffy cirrus clouds on “Danny’s Dream”, joyfully bopping over Monde, and a wild jam of “Two Way Steetr’s cascades on “Igloo” and melodic as he glides over the thick pickings of “Toka Voka Oka Boka”. Style, swing and sensitivity-this is the jazz I was weaned on.


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