MALE JAZZERS AND GIRL GROUPS FROM AVID: Jimmy Scott/Oscar Brown Jr: 5 Classic albums. Girl Groups: 5 Classic albums

Unique male vocalists and chick groups are the latest releases from UK based AVID.

Jimmy Scott had a unique falsetto voice due to a childhood hormonal condition. His fragile voice is haunting and immediately identifiable. His 1955 debut has him in a hip jazz group that includes Charles Mingus on bass with harrowing takes of “Time On My Hands” and “Imagination”. The same year has him in a riveting “All Or Nothing At All” and “It’s Over” with a band that includes Kenny Clarke/dr, Sal Salvador/g Jerome Richardson/w-winds and Budd Johnson/ts. In 1960 he mixes jazz with some strings, uniquely interpreting standards like “Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child” in a particularly strong effort

Oscar Brown’s debut from 1961 is a true classic, adding lyrics to “Afro Blue”, “Watermelon Man”, “Work Song” and “Dat Der” along with “I Was Cool” with a swinging team that include Joe Wilder/tp, Bernie Leighton/p and George Duvivier/b. Next year’s album includes the hoot of “Mr. Kicks’ and “Opportunity, Please Knock” with a band arranged by no less than Quincy Jones. He was hep when it was hip to be hep.

All girl groups were the rage in the 50s and early 60s, with The Shirelles being one of the first and best. Their 1961 debut includes the classic “Will You Love Me Tomorrow”, “Dedicated to the One I Love” as well as a smoking read of “Fever”. The Angels were best known for a modern take of “And The Angels Sing” and “Sentimental Journey” while The Teen Queens had a big doo wop hit with “Eddie My Love”. The Crystals rode The Twist craze with an album that included “I Love You Eddie”, “On Broadway” and “Gee Whiz” all in the Chubby Checker genre. Last but not least were the Orions, who also had some big hits, creating a new dance craze with “The Wah-Watusi” and “The Mashed Potato” as well as the doo wop R&B beauty “Over The Mountain, Across The Sea”. Girls just gotta have fun.

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