Ori Dagan: Click Right Here

Rare are the male singers these days who are just as clever with the pen as the vocal sword. Toronto-based Ori Dagan fits into that category with this clever release of mostly originals. He’s backed by a core team of Nathan Hiltz/t, Attila Flas/p, Alex Bellegardeb, Ben Wittman/dr and a horn section of Colleen Allen/ts, Alison Young/as, William Carn/tb and Andrew McNash/tp along with a handful of guests. Fellow Canuck Jane Bunnett joins with the baritone-toned singer along with a rapping Erik Flow and backing singers on  a swinging and hep “Viruses” with Bunnett’s flute floating on a gorgeous duet on “Going That Counts (For Ella)”. Dagan has a bit of flexibility reminiscent of King Pleasure on the noirish hip “Rebirth of the Cool” and the bebopping “21st Century Blues”, while showing a more romantic side on ”Would You Swing My Way” and crooning through “The Social Media Tango”. Brilliant and quirky lyrics add to the finger popping atmosphere. Any trips down south?


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