Jazzrausch Bigband: Emergenz

Directed by Roan Sladek, the 17+ member Jazzrausch Big Band mixes traditional sounds with a melding of electronic tones and effects, walking a tight rope that swings. A few of the tunes include wispy vocals by either Patricia Romer, as on the hyperkinetic “Go! Go! Go!” , the hip hopping “Ticking Time Bomb” or with Alma Naidu on the cooing “Present Tense”. On the instrumentals, there are horns creating dots and dashes with tweets on the swinging “Emergent Evolution”, fluffy reeds and synth pulses on “Autopoiesis” and a salsa feel on “UNtalk” Keyboardsit Thomas Kolbi gets dramatic on Wayne Shorter’s “Orbits” with some plugged in rhythmic progamming taking place on the atmosphereic “Chanel 23” and the Nintendo-mooded “Cyperaceae”. Brian Eno meets Gil Evans?


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