James Kitchman: First Quartet

UK based guitarist James Kitchman has a cool tone to his strings, creating soft pastels of originals withhis team of Bruno Heinen/p, Tom McCredie/b and Shaney Forbes/dr. There’s a tensile fluidity to his lines, pretty as they glide around Forbes’ sensitive guiding cymbals on “Making the World Disappear” and “Connoisseur of Clouds” while getting a bit darker over the dark rumbled drumming on the static rubato of “World Uncharted”. Heinen brings a ballet gracefulness to “First Day” and adds droplets to Kitchman’s morning dew of notes on the Metheny-esque “Bees” while McCredie is spotlighted on the quirky “I Control The Weather”. The overall tone of the album is filled with subdued impressionistic ideas, never overstated or overplayed, calming the waters of agitated heart.


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