21st CENTURY CRIMSON MEN…Stick Men: Tentacles

With King Crimson “officially” in retirement (until Robert Fripp changes his mind), the team of Tony Levin, Pat Mastelotto and Markus Reuter serves as a more than suitable alternative, with the sound wonderfully similar to the Kingdom’s Red period. Levin is on Chapman Stick, touch guitars and vocoder, with Mastelotto on various drums and percussion and Reuter creating soundscapes with his own touch guitars. The result is a mix of gorgeous textures as on “Ringtone” and “Danger In the Workplace” that mix ambience with ominous sonic atmospheres. There’s also a thunderous pounding of drama on “Company of Ghosts” and a relentless drum pattern for Reuter on “Satieday Night” while the team rocks hard on “Tentacles”. Levin continues to be one of the most impressive creators of new sounds, as his Chapman stick takes fusion to an exciting new level. Three of a perfect pair.




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