WOMEN VOICES…Marsha Bartenetti: Sings McNeely & Kahns, Jo Harrop: The Heart Wants

The weaker sex, the speaker sex…

Marsha Bartenetti brings together some of LA’s finest sidemen in Ray Brinker/dr, Mike Watts/p, Trey Henry/b and a mix and match of sax and strings in this collection of tunes composed by Alice Kuhns and Jane McNealy. The songs have a pop feel, not unlike vintage Carpenters, with Bartnetti’s misty voice working well on the haunting and synthy “Why Does the Sky Keep Changing” and lush “”What Is Today Without You”. She gets bluesy with Rusty Higgins’ soprano sax for “I’ll Never See That Rainbow Again” and goes Tin Pan Alley with Watts on the cabaret’d “Kite In The Clouds”. The windmills of your mind are turning gently.

Jo Harrop possesses a deeply penetrating voice, not unlike the harrowing Nina Simone, on this collection of mostly originals and cherry picked covers. The musicians (which include Christian McBride/b, Troy Miler/dr, Hanna Vasanth/p, Jame McCredie) and moods are mixed and matched, ranging from a harrowing meeting with McBride on the Ellingtonian “All Too Soon” to the fun and festive “Red Mary Janes & A Brand New Hat” pianist Jason Rebello in full saloon stride. She gets vulnerable and fragile on a haunting “If Ever I Would Leave You” and her vibrato is velvety on the pretty “Wise Words”, going past your comfort space as she moves in close on the intimate “I Think You’d Better Go” with McCredie’s guitar. A master of moods and El Greco tones.




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