Kapelle 17: Die Volken Sind Da, Wo Sie Immer Sind

The team of Benedict Jackle/sax-fl-bcl, Johannes Mann/g, Paul Janoschka/p, Jakob Obleser/b and  Jonas Kaltenbach/dr create an impressionistic collection of dreamy originals. Jackle’s breathy tenor floats on “Abacaxi” and “Vale”  while hovering on the loose as mercury “Ma Beleza I”. The team gets a bit techno on the peppy “SKB” driven by Kaltenbach and Janoschka’s electric piano, while Mann creates ambient moods on “Metamorphosis” and the title piece. Oblesar and Kaltenbach dig a  path worth following on “Get Down” and closing with the fragile title tune. Water colors of sound.


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