Alexander Claffy: Good Spirits

Bassist Alexander Claffy brings together a vintage sounding Blue Note of a recording with fellow hard boppers Benny Benack III/tp, Nicole Glover/ts, Julius Rodriguez/p and Joe Farnsworth/dr through a snappy mix of originals and covers. Farnsworth and Claffy shuffle off to buffalo on the leader’s hip “Beeb’s Lament” while Glover growls over the driving “For The Great Gerald Cannon”. Benack’s muted horn is soulful with Rodriguez’s keys during “Beijo Partido” while riding like a hawk over his digging deep rivulet of “Straight Life.” A nifty trio outing of “I Will Wait For You” shows the deft interplay of the rhythm team, while the three create a three legged race on the charging “Inner Glimpses”. Why not a photo by Francis Wolff?

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