Tom Keenlyside: A Night At The Expresso

A comfort food night of jazz is presented by flutist and leader Tom Keenlyside and his team of Miles Black/p-g, Miles Foxx Hill/b, Bernie Arai/dr and guests Brad Turner/tp-fh, Tim Porter/g and Melody Diachun/voc.

The team is soulful and hip with Kennlyside gliding over “Skweet” and Black nimble over the bopping “Amor, O Misterio”. The two deliver a clever duet and improv on “Cherokee” to boot, sensuous on the team effort of “Pelo Amor De Musica” and upbeat on “Dave”. The wispy voiced Diachun glides around Hill on “But Not For Me” and coos with Turner on “All Of You” while getting streetwise on the pillow talk of “Speak Low”. A classy evening.

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