Matthew Stevens-Walter Smith III-Kris Davis-Dave Holland-Terri Lynn Carrington: In Common III

Tenor saxist Walter Smith III brings together a fresh collection of compatriots for his third In Common recording. This one has Smith sharing ideas with famed bassist David Holland along with the adroit drummer Terri Lynn Carrington, pianist Kris Davis and guitarist Matthew Stevens. The intriguing things about this 15 song collection is that all of the songs are quick and to the point, nothing over 6 minutes, but lots being said in terms of directions, colors and environs.

There is a mix of easy post bop swingers like the cool toned “Familiar” , the bouncy “For Some Time” featuring Stevens’ chiming chords and the nimble “Hornets” with Davis supplying clever harmonies. Through all of this, Smith is Lester Young lithe with a gorgeous breathy tone weaving around the melodies. Added to the menu are some sort of Indie-sounding pieces like the Nashville’d “Shine” duet between Smith and Stevens, or the kind of rockish “Orange Crush” with a computer-like pulse.

Things get also a bit frisky, with experimental effects, distortions, directions and tones on”Lite” or the grunge rock meeting eerie atmospheres on “Shutout” while oud-like strings evoke Saharan sands on “Dust” or the lonely acoustic guitar and rich haze of Smith serenely hover on “Miserere”. Turning the dials on a rich musical kaleidoscope.

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