ELECTRONIC DANCES…Stefania de Kenessey: In Her Words

Stefania de Kenessey has woven together an intriguing album that brings sonic threads of electronics, dances and childhood Hungarian folk tunes along with messages concerning the lives of 21st Century women. That sounds like an ambitious grasp, but de Kenessey successfully melds the ideas into a rich stew of sounds, pulsations and stories.

There area meditative harp-like sounds and piano tones tied into the poetry of “Lead Me Alone” , while tapes of riveting personal stories are juxtaposed with melodic underpinnings on the musical novella of “On Our Own”. “Mossy” features a visceral duet of electronics and reflections of motherhood, drawing you in both musically and personally. A mix of Satie-esque textures are dreamlike during “Alone” and piano strings are plucked to a seductive tango on “All Together”, all part of a four-movement “In Her Words” that include intimate musings and vulnerable monologues set to a modern ballet of pulsations. Emotive electronics.


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