Shedrick Mitchell: What Do You Say?

Shedrick Mitchell plays piano and keyboards to create music to reflect his deep faith with an adroit team of Charles/dr, Burniss Travis/b, Nir Felder/g, Immanuel Wilkins/sax and a collection of guests.  You can tell this chap has been to church a few times, as there’s a deep soulful feel to many of the pieces, such as the graceful post bopper “The Truth The Way and The Light” with Wilkins’ alto, and the warm Sunday feeling of the title track with the earnest vocals of Ayana George. With a chorus bringing rich harmonies, Wilkins shines on “Memories” while Aaron Marcellus gives an emotional rap on the socially conscious “Black Lives Matter” and a sermonette on “Human Kin”. The team digs in and gallops on the exciting “Nowhere to Run”, while Mitchell shows his meditative side with strings on the reflective “The Don Medley”. Musical moments of faith, hope and love.

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