THE BEGINNING OF A BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP…Keith Jarrett: Facing You-50th Anniversary

Who know that on the date of November 10, 1971 when Keith Jarrett took a day off from his tour with Miles Davis to walk into the Ame Bendiksen studio in Oslo, Norway to record some solo piano ideas that he would revolutionize the jazz industry, as well as jazz piano itself? Preceding his famous Koln Concert, this intimate 43 minute album started the trajectory of Jarrett’s career and set the stage for a catalogue of solo performances that continues to expand in size and inspiration.

Yes, Jarrett had recorded and released albums such as Birth and Trio,  as well as his work as a sideman with Charles Lloyd and Miles Davis. But Facing You as different, as it was just Jarrett alone with is mind, heart and fingers. All of the parts of Jarrett’s musical rainbow are here in nascent form, with dashes of Bud Powell on the bopping “Semblence,” a hint of Satie’s lyricism on “Lalene”, dramatic and classical drama on “Ritooria” and gentle melancholia for “Vapalia”. There’s a cheerful traditional parlor stride on “Starbright” and he songs along with his signature sighs for “My, Lady, My Child” with an introduction that hints at the Irish classic “Danny Boy”. The songs are mostly fairly concise, but the 10 minute “In Front” hints at future opuses of stride, boogie woogie and intuitive explorations. This album more than stands the test of time. It stands tall.

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