Alex Norris: Fleet From The Heat

Alex Norris plays trumpet and flugelhorn as he leads a classic hard bop session with Ari Ambrose/ts, Jeremy Manasia/p, Paul Gill/b and Brian Floody/dr through a collection of Blue Note-inspired originals. Norris has definitely imbibed from the Horace Silver well, as this album could easily be a “lost session” from the Silver catalogue. Manasia’s piano is well pulsed on the minor mooded “Quandremic” and boogaloos on the blue “Dude, Where’s My Deli?”. Norris is Kenny Dorham warm on the easy swing of the title tune and glistens on his aria of “Ballad For 2020”. The vintage tenor/trumpet front line is in clever unison on “Grapple With A Snapple” and is muscular on the kinetic “The Untamed Land” with Ambrose’s big tone reminiscent of Junior Cook. These guys bop till you drop.

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