Steven Harlos: The Piano Music of Dick Hyman

Neo trad pianist Dick Hyman is best known for his work on various Woody Allen films, but his own solo and small group albums are also consistent and swinging. For this album, pianist Steven Harlos gives a tribute of sorts to the famed pianist/composer by interpreting three Hyman compositions/improvisations. The result is a kind of classical album for fans of stride and ragtime.

“Piano Man” is a 31+ minute opus that is orchestral in concept, as the original jazz piano was meant to be. Hints of Joplin, Satie and Morton and delivered with class and style. An 11 minute  “Five  Propositions for Piano” is a dreamy Bill Evansy affair, if the  post bopper were born 30 years earlier. Rich and fun is the richly chorded “Indiana Variations” where the standard is delicately delved into with Gershwinesque cutlery. A classy and classic journey to a different world of sounds than today.

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